Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Wanna Play?

Josie attempts to engage Bailey in another chase game around Tammy's yard.

Strike a Pose

Josie strikes a comfortable nap time pose.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Our Little Buttercup

Josie takes a rest on our walk in a field of buttercups at Starker Arts Park.

Let Me Out!

Josie gets a shower, much to her disdain.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sleepy Girl

Josie crashes out in mom's lap after dinner.

Taylor Babysits

Taylor came over to babysit this afternoon so that we could get a few projects done. Josie took to her right away.

They played in the front yard for awhile...

...and then Josie went inside and took a long nap.
Taylor tried to wake her up but all Josie wanted to do was sleep.

On Taylor's lap.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Driving with Dad

Josie perches on the back of the driver's seat in the truck on the way back from the hardware store. How Gary safely obtained this self-portrait while driving (he assures me no more than 35 mph), I will never know!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Ice Cream Party

Bailey's girlfriend Olive, a chocolate lab, came over to stay with him for a few days while her mom was out of town. Josie was invited over to play with both her and Bailey for the afternoon.

All three played in the yard and the pool and had a grand old time.

When it was time for a break, Tammy gave each puppy their own cup of doggie ice cream.

Josie was hooked!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Meet & Greet

We went to the Farmers Market today where Josie got to meet some new puppies.
There were big ones....

....and little ones.

She also had her fair share of attention from humans

But not everyone was eager to meet her :)

Morning Snooze

Josie strikes a familiar pose on the futon.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Meet Bailey

Bailey lives next door with Tammy. Josie loves to play with him!

They like to play chase and tackle.

And swim in the pool.

Bailey does a great job of wearing her out!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Bailey Play Date

Bailey came over to play this afternoon.

He chased Josie in circles around the yard.

They tackled each other and had a grand old time.

When they were finished playing, Josie cooled off with a big drink in the water dish.

TP Thief

Josie discovers the joy of stealing and then playing with a roll of toilet paper.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Crashed Out

Tuckered out after a big day meeting the family, Josie crashes on our makeshift bed in the living room.

Meeting the Princes

We attended Cassie's graduation party and Josie got to make her rounds meeting the Princes.
Here she snuggles with Aunt Mary...

And Cousin Katie..

And Cousin JoJo :)

Backseat Driver

Josie takes it easy in the backseat of the car on the way up to Salem.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Nap with Giraffe

Josie takes a little nap with her giraffe toy on the back deck.

First Visit to Farmers Market

We went to the farmers market today. Josie was an instant celebrity.

We couldn't walk more than a few feet without being stopped and asked if she could be pet. She enjoyed all of the extra attention.

There were lots of people and puppies to meet, and all the excitement wore her out. We had to take a little rest by the fountain before heading home.

Fun with the Sprinkler

Josie was hot after our hike at Bald Hill, so we turned on the sprinkler for her to use to cool off.

She had a ton of fun stepping on the water stream and getting drinks from this funny little invention.

Bald Hill Hike

We went on a big walk with Paula and Jack at Bald Hill today. Josie did a good job keeping up, but got tired on the trail and had to take a break.

Jack managed to coerce her into getting back up and continuing on though.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Please Kitty?

Josie really, really, REALLY wants to play with Millie.
Let's just say Millie is not interested...and not amused by the attention.

The Pinwheel

Josie takes a break from playing with a pinwheel.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Stocks

Josie fits her head through the slats in the front porch in an effort to chase the kitty.